Why Is Coffee Bad For You?

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Being the lover of coffee myself, i seemed hesitant in starting my research about adverse effects of coffee. Though it is said that two cups of coffee every morning is considered to be the modest amount of coffee an individual can take. However, i have realized that if you consume a lot of coffee each day, it is bad to your health. Consuming too much coffee can do more harm than good.

Coffee is good when taken moderately because it increases alertness, improve mood, reduce fatigue, improve performance, and enhance reaction time. The unpleasant side effects of consuming a lot of coffee include: jitters and trembling, nervousness, difficulties in falling and staying asleep at night, great fatigue the moment you wake up in the morning, panic or anxiety, dizziness, digestive upset and stomach discomfort.

Why Is Coffee Bad For You?


Taking one cup of coffee will definitely raise the rate at which the heart beats from the normal rate of 60 and 80 to 100 beats per minute. This can take up into an hour to get back into its normal rate. This one cup of coffee can also cause your arteries to constrict and this can raise the blood pressure. Individuals with heart failure can avoid taking coffee because it will put their heart under extreme strain. If you have heart disease you should also avoid coffee since studies shows that it contains high level of potassium, that can cause some dangerous changes the rhythm of your heart.


One cup of coffee in a bright morning can actually trigger the need for the loo. This is because caffeine contained in the coffee can stimulate and increase contractions in the bowel, which will lead into pushing out of waste faster than normal. This will also mean that the nutrients in the body will have a lesser time to be absorbed the moment they go through the digestive tract. This can be very harmful for individuals who don’t eat a healthy balanced diet. It will also interfere with absorption of iron.


Consuming too much coffee can raise the risk of having osteoporosis or crumbly bones. This is because caffeine makes osteoblasts which is the cell that is involved in the formation of new bones, hence too much of coffee speeds up the loss of bones.


The term coffee breath is particularly a noxious bad breath that is associated with heavy drinking of coffee. This breath is caused by coffee which dries out the mouth. Coffee is dehydrating and individuals who consume lots of coffee tends to have mouths which are dry all the time.


Consuming a moderate coffee into your body can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by approximately up to 20 percent according to recent studies. It is found that, those individuals who drunk three to five cups of coffee in a day are 20 percent less likely to have these diseases. It is also found that both antioxidants and caffeine in coffee reduces inflammation in the brain hence reducing down the deterioration of the cells of the brain more especially those found in areas of the brain that is associated with the memory.


Coffee contains caffeine which is diuretic. It stimulates the kidneys in excreting more fluid, hence making the person need the loo more often. This happens because this caffeine interferes with re-absorption of fluid into the blood. This may not be a bad thing for individuals with normal kidney function, but consuming coffee for a long time can make kidney disease worse. Coffee is also a bladder irritant, this can actually make the overactive bladder problem become more worse.


Coffee may have dehydrating effect on your body, but it is found that it won’t dry out your skin. Coffee may also be linked to lower the risk of getting skin cancer and thanks to coffee antioxidants which are also thought to mop up some free radicals which are damaging molecules that are linked to cancer and other skin diseases.

In conclusion, you don’t need a cup of coffee the moment you wake up. This is because your body produces naturally the hormone known as cortisol that helps you feel awake and alert. Consuming a lot of coffee will negatively and positively affect your heart, bowel, brain, kidneys, and even skin. Research conducted by different institutions indicates that coffee contains caffeine that stimulates formation of various diseases in our body. It is therefore advisable to reduce or stop your rate of consuming coffee so that you can keep a healthy lifestyle.